For creative businesses in the pandemic


Join Streamtime and Never Not Creative for a special event as we unpack how creative businesses have navigated the first half of 2020.

Special guests will share the month to month timeline of their financial and business performance, the decisions they made to survive and what they’re planning to do next. All supported by research from The Wow Company and The Agency Collective and the analysis of agency benchmarking expert, Peter Czapp.

Thursday 6th August

9-11.30am UK
6-8.30pm Australia

Streamtime supports Never Not Creative

With Special Guests –

Tom Tapper
Tom Tapper
Nice And Serious
Pam Scobbie
Pam Scobbie
Peter Czapp
Peter Czapp
The Wow Company


Were we ready
for 2020?

Did we have enough cash in the bank to see us through? Were our revenue streams diverse enough? Hear from Peter Czapp as he shares data that shows how agencies have changed from January through to now, and what might lie ahead.

What the hell actually happened?

We've invited 2 agency founders to share their timeline of the last 6 months. The highs, the lows and everything in between. You'll hear full transparency of how they responded to the pandemic.

What's changed for the better?

It's not all bad news. Some agencies have come out of this for the better. Work has started to pick up and they have greater clarity over their future direction. Hear what's happening right now.

Where to from here? 2021?

If only we had a crystal ball. Instead, our guests will join us to discuss the possibilities from here. Surely 2021 has to be better than 2020? Ask anything you like to our guests in a panel finale.


9am (UK) / 6pm (Aus)
Welcome and introductions
Andy Wright, Streamtime & Never Not Creative
9.15am / 6.15pm
The rollercoaster of 2020
Pam Scobbie, Co-Founder, Wire
9.45am / 6.45pm
2020 Before and after
Peter Czapp, Co-Founder, The Wow Company
10.15am / 7.15pm
The COVID crater
Tom Tapper, Co-Founder, Nice And Serious
10.45am / 7.45pm
Q&A - Where to from here?
Ask our speakers anything, hosted by Andy Wright
11.25am / 8.25pm
Final thoughts
Andy Wright, Streamtime & Never Not Creative

Register now, limited spaces (but it's free!)


Tom Tapper
Tom is the Co-Founder and CEO of Nice and Serious, a B-Corp certified agency that makes creative work the world needs. Since 2008, he's worked with hundreds of international charities and brands to creatively communicate the positive impact they're having on the world.

Tom's talk, "The Covid Creator" will unpack the last 6 months of business. How prepared they were for the pandemic, the big decisions that they had to make, and the numbers that illustrate the journey.
Pam Scobbie
Pam is the Co-Founder and Creative Director of Wire, a Glasgow based creative marketing and digital agency on a mission to 'make brands famous'. Wire has created numerous award winning campaigns for Whyte & Mackay, Tennent’s, Magners and DF Concerts, and have won their fair share of awards for their own business.

Pam's talk, "The 2020 Rollercoaster" will share the ups and downs of a promising start to 2020, hitting a wall, and how Wire picked themselves up to feel stronger than ever.
Peter Czapp
Peter Czapp loves helping agencies grow. In 2004, he co-founded The Wow Company, an accounting firm that specialises in helping agencies grow profitably and sustainably. Peter went on to set up The Agency Collective, the UK’s largest community of agency owners, and also runs BenchPress, now the biggest benchmarking study for UK agencies.

Peter's talk, "2020: Facts, Figures And Feats" shares what Peter sees first hand from what the top-performing agencies do differently and how the industry has adapted in the last 6 months.