Healthier businesses

Communicating with intent for managers

Communication is key to being a good manager. But there is nuance to the art of communicating well. In this webinar, we’ll be talking through how to communicate with intent, based on a recent Barely Managing event in Melbourne with Charlie Simson of Plucky Frank.

You’ll leave this session with a grounded perspective and fresh skills to communicate better with your team and your clients.

Barely Managing is a community dedicated to managers in creative industries to talk shop, swap tips and share challenges from what can be an emotional rollercoaster of a job.

Run by Andreea Nemes, Libby de Souza and Audrey Mailhot, we’re helping bring the conversation to Streamtime users to foster sharing, learning and community.

Paddy Morgan

Paddy helps people use Streamtime effectively. In Rainbows was his favourite Radiohead album at the time of writing, but that’s probably changed by now.

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